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Hoyo de Manzanares

Hoyo de Manzanares

Hoyo de Manzanares municipal area is included in the Upper Manzanares River Basin Regional Park and in the area of ​​influence of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park. This is why it has exceptional natural value and plenty of animal and plant species. At only 35 km from Madrid, Hoyo also holds interesting examples of heritage and deep-rooted traditions.


Town Hall

Plaza Mayor, s/n

28240 Hoyo de Manzanares

Phone: 91 856 60 46 / Fax: 91 856 99 93

Email: ayto@hoyomanzanares.es


Tourist Information Centre:

Plaza Mayor, 1.

28240 Hoyo de Manzanares

Phone.: 91 279 53 12 / 663 97 87 93

Opening hours: every day, from 11.00 to 14.30 h (except on Thursdays)


Hoyo de Manzanares has a great history. Belonging to El Real de Manzanares, the town was founded in 1636. Centuries before, in the XV, its territories were joined to the mountains of El Pardo, and the town became a favourite hunting place for royalty. In the 19th century, it suffered the consequences of the Law of Disentailment but recovered and became what it is today: a pilgrimage city for many tourists who rely on this “Healthy City” to heal or just to spend a few days in the setting of the Sierra de Guadarrama.


Variety is what characterises the art that is present on the streets of Hoyo de Manzanares. Churches, monuments evoking past stories, an enviable Town Hall  … all this and plenty more decorate, with style, the corners of the town.

Former Parish Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario

Plaza de la Caldereta

Its construction began in the fifteenth century and was not completed until the 18th century. Throughout its history, the granite stone building had to go through numerous refurbishments, the last one making of it what it is nowadays: a Cultural and Social Centre. The stage arch had to be modified so that the central nave could be turned into an auditorium with a capacity of up to 150 people. The chapel is dedicated to the Virgen de la Encina, patron saint of the Villa. It is located in one of the wings of the crossing and continues to be used for religious events.

Town Hall

Plaza Mayor, s / n.

Located in the Plaza Mayor, a typical Castilian arcaded square, made entirely of granite. The town hall is the most iconic building, with two floors. Its off-centre tower embellished with pinnacles and balls, the clock and the coat of arms of the town stand out.

El Caño Fountain

The fountain, built entirely in granite, is located in Plaza Mayor, a typical Castilian square with porticos.

Monument to the quarry workers

Plaza Cervantes, s / n.

It is a tribute to stonework which was one of the main ways of life of the residents of Hoyo de Manzanares almost until 1960. It has a small obelisk crowned with the shield of the town and a commemorative plaque.

Nuestra Señora del Rosario Parish Church

Paseo Mayor s / n.

Parochial church built recently as a part of the Old Parish Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario is used as a cultural centre.

La Caldereta Square

It is an irregular square in which a stone block stands out. In its upper part, it has a cooking pot that represents the “Caldereta”, a highly important event of the Hoyo de Manzanares festival. Access to Hoyo de Manzanares Town Council buildings is through this square.

La Cabilda archaeological site

Camino del cementerio, 11.

The works carried out at the La Cabilda archaeological site have brought to light a village-type population nucleus dated between the 7th and 8th centuries AD. As a result of this, the origins of the settlement in the territory have been traced back six centuries sooner, at the beginning of the Visigoth era. Granite structures covered with tiles and having inside remains of homes in which fire was lit for cooking and heating have been found. The recovered objects provide information on the different activities carried out by these first settlers. Knives, mortars, hand mills, wool carders or spindles are some of the tools discovered, along with other objects, such as weights or iron bars, that can be linked to more complex commercial activities.

Festivals and traditions

Traditions, but updated, so are the festivals in Hoyo de Manzanares. Most of are held in honour of virgins and patron saints, but they get combined with other exciting performances: popular meals, bullfighting celebrations and, above all, a lot of dancing. Besides, thanks to the events organized in the town summer nights turn into a party.

Virgen de la Encina Festival: Her big day is the 8th of September, and a procession is held there followed by traditional games shows. Numerous bullfights, sports tournaments, fireworks, popular festivals and cultural events take place the days before and after this date. The Caldereta feast organised during the festival also worth mentioning, as more than 1,000 kilos of bullfighting meat are tasted.

Pilgrimage: This pilgrimage takes place at the beginning of October, and the procession honours the Virgen del Rosario. Once celebrated, a country meal is organised in La Cabilda Municipal Park.


In Hoyo de Manzanares you can enjoy diverse flora and fauna. Its vegetation is mostly represented by forests, although in some areas there are also thickets and grasslands. Its fauna is mainly made up of birds. The whole territory of Hoyo de Manzanares lies within the Upper Manzanares River Basin Regional Park, and that is why the town enjoys great scenery and nature.

La Cabilda Park and Recreation Area​​

Road M-618

It is an extensive area of ​​ holm-oak wood with a great animal and vegetal diversity. The residents of Hoyo de Manzanares go there to enjoy nature or rest, as well as on special dates such as the Virgen del Rosario Pilgrimage.

Swings, litter bins, barbecue facilities, benches and wooden tables with seats are available. Species of holm oaks and cork oaks, as well as birds and reptiles, can be observed in this recreation area.

El Berzalejo Recreation Area

El Berzalejo Recreation Area is set in a pinewood, and ​​its location is in front of Alto del Berzalejo, accessible via the M-618 road. In this pine forest tables and litter bins are available, and from it, you can enjoy an extraordinary view of the Picazos, the Sierra de El Estepar and Matalasgrajas. Besides, visiting this recreation area, you have the opportunity to watch different types of reptiles and birds.